October 17, 2011

The Lonely Wife

I just finished reading "The Paris Wife" By Paula McLain. I just happened to grab it on my way out of the library because it looked interesting. It is a fictional book about the non-fictional Ernest Hemingway, but written in the voice of his wife, Hadley. It's set mostly in the Jazz-age of Paris in the roaring 20's, when the city was essentially made into what we know it as today. Beware lovestruck, pining women everywhere. This book is truly heartbreaking at the end, telling the real story of how the Hemingway's marriage was ruined by the Parisian society,...

October 2, 2011


I love to scrounge.  I love digging around shops for things that nobody else has.  I know so many people who hate that (like my friend who refuses to enter H&M because she can't bring herself to actually search for her size amongst the piles or clothing). That's probably why I love Etsy and handmade so much.  I can search and search all day if you let me. I don't want things that everyone else has.  I'll dig to the bottom of piles and reach to the highest of shelves to get what I'm looking for. My sister and I visited...

September 24, 2011

Roasted Chickpeas

Let me start off by saying that my mother was never very adventurous when it came to cooking.  Our veggies would consist of carrots, corn, and peas (which I always hid under my potatoes).  When I moved out, it was like heaven where I could try anything and everything that I always wanted.  I'm still on the road to discovery and yesterday was the first time I tried Chickpeas.  I know.  It's ridiculous. I opened the can of chickpeas and had a sniff.  It didn't really smell like anything.  I've never been a fan...

September 23, 2011

In Pursuit of Ultra Metabolism

I'm on a health kick.  I thought I'd get a head start before a) hubby arrives and b) new years when I usually make empty promises to myself.  I've already lost 20 lbs since moving home to Canada, but I'm stuck.  My body just won't lose any more weight.  My mum keeps telling me (in that motherly nagging tone), "Afton Marie, you'll have to change what you're doing because it's not working anymore". I've been really inspired by this book I took out at the library (don't get me started about how much I love the library again)....

September 12, 2011

Pinterest Pick #4: 50 Rules for Dads and Daughters

WARNING: Mothers, have some tissues handy. Check out this list of rules for all the dads out there on www.fromdatestodiapers.com via Pinterest. Maybe I'm being oversensitive because the baby hasn't seen her Daddy for 5 months, but this list really made me tear up.  I really think that every father should do everything on this list. My favorite on the list: #14 Buy her a pair of Chucks as soon as she starts walking. She won't always want to wear matching shoes with her old man. We have that one covered, although baby's are pink.  We...

September 7, 2011

Glossybox in Canada, please?

The lovely ladies of the UK have a major advantage over us North American ladies, and that is Glossybox.  Upon signing up and paying £10 (about $15) per month, each subscriber will receive a beautiful Glossybox in the mail which contains 5 luxury beauty products.  Your box is sent directly to your door.  Past boxes have included amazing products like the Nars Orgasm Illuminator and the below Ciate Nail Enamel So why am I telling you all this?  Because I want Glossybox to come to Canada!  If we show...

August 31, 2011

Come Back to Me

One of my greatest time-fillers online is browsing through Tumblr, which is really funny considering I don't even have an account.  Why don't I have an account?  There comes a time when a n3rd like me has to say "I have enough online accounts and I'm sick of doing password recoveries".  So I browse and pin. My all time favourite tumblr blog is ComeBackToMe.  So romantic.  So sad.  So inspiring.  The music, if I listen to it long enough, makes me ball my eyes out, longing for my love.  It's ridiculous....

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