One of the things I want to be is a healthy person. Since having the baby, I've decided that I don't want to be a bad role model or influence in Abri's life just because I want that extra cookie. I feel that it's so important to teach our children the importance of balance. Everything must be balanced and in moderation and I believe that's the key to a happily ever after. If you have too much of one thing, everything goes off kilter and spins out of control.
So I thought that I would involve everyone in my "thinspiring" healthy-overhaul journey. I'm overweight, and no matter how many people tell me "you just had a baby" I know that that excuse has long ago expired. As of 3 weeks ago, I have been cutting my portions, eating healthier, and sleeping and exercising more. This is in no way shape or form a "diet". This is a lifestyle change. I am, however, tracking my calories and exercise in order to better understand what I eat and do and how it effects my body.
I've added a myfitnesspal ticker on my sidebar so you can watch my progress. This way, I'll keep motivated, on track, and my hand out of the cookie jar.
Have a watch of this great video from TED Women of Arianna Huffington on the importance of sleep - something most of us take for granted when it comes to our health. I know that for me, when I have enough sleep, I'm more productive, happier and healthier.
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